We believe in the power of knowledge, the strengths of proactive learning and critical thinking.
We are committed to
Creating real value
Delivering quality, fit-for-purpose, and sustainable solutions
Helping our clients to achieve success
Helping our clients to benefit from technology innovation
Industry Experience
Through over 20 years practice in ICT industry across the horizon of software engineering, data engineering and data science, the TeleMARS team has gained strong experience in completing full-lifecycle projects within time and budget, and delivering business benefits for our clients.
R&D Expertise
We have on-going experience and passion in applying foundational science theories and methodologies in exploring, experimenting and developing the power of algorithms. TeleMARS team has hands-on experience in conducting research in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and will continue to enhance our research strengths.
Right Solution
TeleMARS understands the challenges in the implementation of modern ICT technologies and applications. We have wide-spectrum capabilities in building multiple-layers architecture with optimal alignments. This enables business to adopt right technologies along their development roadmap to achieve their value chain optimization and benefit realization.
Excellence in Practice
We are strong in complying with industry standards and applying professional disciplines. We understand how to achieve excellence in practice through hands-on experiences in various types of project environments and situations.